Off-the-shelf workshops don't work for lawyers.

Maybe you're in Professional Development at a law firm or legal department and are looking for Presentation Skills or Executive Presence workshops for your lawyers. We record lawyers' presentations and give feedback in efficient ways - both in-person or virtually.

Perhaps you're a Chief Marketing Officer or Business Development professional at a law firm looking for a practice group or firm-wide retreat speaker on Effective Pitching, Executive Presence or Thought Leadership for Lawyers. Maybe you need Executive Presence Coaching for key partners - we can help.

Maybe you're a lawyer who wants to finally get the level of recognition you deserve as a Thought Leader and build your practice. But you are so busy you can't imagine how to get it done efficiently - or how to choose topics that will get clients.

With customized workshops and the right expertise and background, we help lawyers get the results they need. 

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"It's more than presentation skills. Marsha teaches lawyers to really own the room and get their messages across in a memorable way - with one person or 100." 

Chief Learning Officer, AmLaw 30 firm

Why are we the right choice to work with your firm's lawyers?  

Marsha has been delivering her customized workshops for 24 years working almost exclusively with elite law firms and lawyers. She has a unique background as a former Big law lawyer, TV news consumer and investigative on-air reporter and MBA-school communications professor. Marsha's background gives her instant credibility with Big law lawyers.  

She practiced law at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher and a women-owned litigation boutique firm. After practicing law, Marsha created a TV news niche called the Consumer Lawyer Reporter to leverage her expertise as a lawyer and journalist. That catapulted her into large TV markets as an on-air reporter. She was shocked to find that smart people like lawyers, doctors and technologists gave bad interviews. Why? These professionals did not understand they needed to translate what they knew to communicate and connect with their audiences. 

She works 95% of the time with lawyers, helping them communicate effectively with their colleagues, clients, prospects, and the media.  

Marsha understands lawyers and law firms - and why it's hard to communicate complexity to colleagues, clients and others. Her style is supportive and encouraging. The workshops are interactive and the advice is practical. Each workshop includes customized worksheets, checklists and actionable advice for each topic. Videotaping and feedback are key in most workshops and in coaching - both virtually and in person.

Marsha lives near Washington, DC with her husband and twins.

Need a workshop that teaches lawyers how to connect when presenting virtually?